Video and Multimedia

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Learning Objectives: 15.1 Describe the main sources from which Americans get their news and information

Video: Amy Goodman calls out CNN: 'The media manufactures consent' of Trump


Learning Objectives: 15.2 Summarize the evolution of the modern news media

Web: These 6 Corporations Control 90% Of The Media In America

Web: Who Owns the Media?

Video: "Equal Time" Notice Filed by NBC Affiliates For Trump's SNL Spot


Learning Objectives: 15.3 Explain the roles and responsibilities of journalists

Video: Anchor Reporter: The Power and Responsibility of Being a Journalist--Danya Bacchus


Learning Objectives: 15.4 Describe the link between media and politics

Video: Clinton campaign blames Russia for DNC email leaks


Learning Objectives: 15.5 Discuss the relationship between citizens and the media

Web: NPR Ends Williams' Contract After Muslim Remarks

Video: Trump insults Anderson Cooper During CNN Interview

Video: CNN: NPR's blunder on Juan Williams