Welcome to the Companion website

Welcome to the SAGE edge site for Keeping the Republic, 8th Edition.

The SAGE edge site for Keeping the Republic by Christine Barbour and Gerald Wright offers a robust online environment you can access anytime, anywhere, and features an impressive array of free tools and resources to keep you on the cutting edge of your learning experience.

Girl with laptop image

Keeping The Republic, Power and Citizenship in American Politics inspires students to take an active role in their communities and government. By combining critical thinking skills and pedagogically rich visuals, this best seller doesn’t just teach students the concepts of American politics; it pushes them to ask, “Who gets what, and how?” and to become savvy consumers of political information, skeptics of received wisdom, and passionate participators in governance.

Two themes run through the book: an analytic theme helps students understand the details and connect them to the larger ideas of American politics, and an evaluative theme guides them in uncovering personal meaning in the American political system and developing standards for making judgments about how well the system works.  By moving students toward becoming empowered citizens, Keeping the Republic goes beyond asking readers to simply memorize key terms and dates; it gives them the tools they need to participate long after they are finished with the course.

For this thoroughly revised Eighth Edition, authors Christine Barbour and Gerald Wright reconsidered each page with today's digital natives in mind, meticulously updating examples and streamlining explanations. Many of the stunning infographics by information designer Mike Wirth have been simplified to improve interpretation. A new Coursepack allows instructors to easily integrate the text’s content into their own learning management system, and new data exercises and videos give students even more opportunities to thoroughly understand core concepts. Keeping the Republic clearly shows students how to develop critical thinking skills and apply them to the political information they encounter every day, so they can effectively harness the political power of the information age.


We gratefully acknowledge Christine Barbour and Gerald Wright for writing an excellent text. Special thanks are also due to Alicia Fisher, Sally Hansen, Craig Ortsey, and Theresa Marchant-Shapiro for developing the ancillaries on this site.