Video and Multimedia

Click on the following links. Please note these will open in a new window.


Educating Girls Improves Pathway to Health and Well-being
Description: A video created by the Population Reference Bureau to explain how attainment of secondary education leads to improved health outcomes for young women.
Learning Objective: 8-4

Celebrating Education for All Children
Description: Video documenting the United Nations declaration of Malala Day as a commitment to bringing education to all children.
Learning Objective: 8-2

Bridging the Digital Divide
Description: TED talk by technology activist, discussing the demographics of inequality and potential ways to reduce gaps in access to computers and internet-use.
Learning Objective: 8-3


Smartphones and Growth of Global Culture in Africa
Description: Morning Edition audio story about the explosion of mobile phone usage as a means of internet access, offering connections into international digital life.
Learning Objective: 8-3

Unequal Costs and Benefits of Biofuels
Description: An audio story that explores the links between bio-fuels use in wealthier nations is linked to rising food costs for people living in poorer nations.
Learning Objective: 8-3


Global Wealth Disparities
Description: Article about the dominant position of the US as the leader in household wealth, with an illustration of global inequality and rankings of wealth by nation.
Learning Objective: 8-5

World Bank Global Poverty Projections
Description: World Bank press release article about global poverty projections based on cross-national data collection and analysis efforts
Learning Objective: 8-1