Video and Multimedia

Click on the following links. Please note these will open in a new window.


Teen Shaming
Description: ABC News segment addressing the use of social media by teenagers to bully and harass others. Also explores emerging trend of teen health supporters who create encouraging videos to reach out to teens suffering attack.
Learning Objective: 4-3

Virtual Selves
Description: Ted talk about the possibilities of creating virtual personalities from the collection of social media data accumulated by an individual during a lifetime.
Learning Objective: 4-5

Role and Meaning of Selfies
Description: PBS Idea Channel video discussing the rise of the selfie as an art form and a means of personal expression in as a reflection of contemporary society.
Learning Objective: 4-5


Gendering Voices
Description: NPR story about how women's voices and delivery impact others' perception of their ability and work performance, and the arduous process of learning new patterns to alter social interactions.
Learning Objective: 4-5


Socialization and Men
Description: This article presents an in-depth discussion of how American men have been socialized to equate seeking emotional health as personal weakness.  Narratives provide insightful examples of key health concerns and consequences of this belief and gendered socialization.
Learning Objective: 4-2

Parenting and Empathy
Description: This article reviews new research that explores the link between parental responses to children's behaviors and children's subsequent socialization and learned behaviors. The study suggests parental warmth towards children can help overcome risky and callous behaviors in children.
Learning Objective: 4-3