Video and Multimedia

Click on the following links. Please note these will open in a new window.


Clutter and Culture in American Homes
Description: This video showcases a study of how families self-identify with clutter and accumulation of material culture in typical American homes.
Learning Objective: 3-1

The Harlem Shake
Description: A video segment presenting astute argument of how viral phenomenon of "harlem shake" illustrates an example of cultural appropriation of historic dance.
Learning Objective: 3-3

Exporting Culture
Description: This video explores the process of national identity development as embedded in local history and subsequent exporting of material culture in Ghana.
Learning Objective: 3-5


Culture and Creativity in Learning
Description: Audio segment from PRI special on China's educational system and its impact on culture and creative innovation for migrants once they leave China.
Learning Objective: 3-5


Commercializing Counterculture
Description: Engaging description of how alternative summer musical festivals have becoming increasing commercials, creating incongruities with the ideals of counter-culturalism.
Learning Objective: 3-1

Race and the Culture of Excellence
Description: This Pacific Standard article critiques the behaviors and social identities of lead characters in popular television shows and movies.
Learning Objective: 1-1

Evaluating Video Games and Long-term Violence
Description: BBC News presentation of academic counter argument that video game violence has not been linked to long term violent behavior and aggression.
Learning Objective: 3-3

Video Games and Ethnic Bias
Description: Review of a study linking violence in video games to increased bias against ethnic minorities.
Learning Objective: 3-3