SAGE Journal Articles

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Denzin, N. (2014). Reading the Challenges of a Global Community and the Sociological Imagination. Qualitative Inquiry. 20 (9): 1122–1127. DOI: 10.1177/1077800414542934

Learning Objective: LO 1-1: Describe the significance of the sociological imagination and critical thinking in the study of sociology.

Summary: Short, student-accessible piece (6 pages) in Qualitative Inquiry written by an eminent scholar. Helps students contextualize the theory of the sociological imagination in relation to other prominent theories in international settings of sociological research.

Denzin contextualizes Mill’s work within prevailing theories and models of Sociology canon and new qualitative research being conducted in the United States and abroad. He aims to help students understand the place of Sociological Imagination as in a larger theoretical conversation within the theories and perspectives of the discipline.

Questions to Consider:

  1. According to Denzin, how does using qualitative research in pursue of the sociological imagination help us understand the perspectives of people who experience life in marginalized settings?
  2. What are some prevailing historical approaches to operationalizing sociological research in the application of sociological imagination?
  3. What are some of the social justice agendas of sociologists conducting research in international settings?
  4. How is evidence collected and used to support interpretations of sociological imagination?