Video and Multimedia

Click on the following links. Please note these will open in a new window.


Perceptions of Wealth Inequality
Description: This video provides a graphical representation of the scale of income inequality in the US.
Learning Objective: 7-3

Economic Mobility
Description: Video produced by PEW describing the processes affecting absolute and relative economic mobility in the pursuit of the American Dream.
Learning Objective: 7-2

Poverty in Rural Communities in the US
Description: An Independent Lens documentary segment about early childhood interventions in rural communities experiencing poverty in the US
Learning Objective: 7-4


Inequality and the Economic Crisis
Description: NPR story on the links between income, education, and inequality in the US during the recent financial crisis
Learning Objective: 7-3

Hollywood's American Dream
Description: This Pacific Standard article critiques the behaviors and social identities of lead characters in popular television shows and movies.
Learning Objective: 7-2


Structural Inequality and Parental Income
Description: A Pacific Standard article summarizing recent studies about income distributions and the inter-generational transmission of wealth in the US
Learning Objective: 7-1