Video and Multimedia

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U.S. Economic Problems
Description: Video by Robert Reich, prominent economist and policy advisor, as he describes the problems and common misconceptions about economic development in recent US history. He elaborates on how this increase in the percentage of wealth accumulated has increase the political clout of economic elite.
Learning Objective: 15-3

Worker's Rights
Description: TED talk by labor activist and head of Fair Labor Association, calling attention to governance gaps in foreign countries to effectively monitor international business practices regarding forced and exploitative labor; presents argument for fair labor practices on global scale for worker protection.
Learning Objective: 15-6

Shift in Economy Production
Description: New York Times interactive article and video about the American origins of the iPhone and the internationalization of its supply chain, product components, and worker base; introduces economic concepts relevant to the discussion of job creation and skills development.
Learning Objective: 15-1

Informal Economy
Description: TED talk discussing the characteristics and advantages of self-reliant economic systems that exists independent and external to traditional notions of formal, regulated, market economies
Learning Objective: 15-4


Nature v. Economics
Description: NPR Morning Edition story about a community in Northwest US fight the building of a train-to-sea port to export coal to China. This story assesses the impact of globalization of resources and labor force on a community. Radio story is accompanied by text, photos, and links for further exploration.
Learning Objective: 15-6

Continuous Improvement to Succeed in Service Economy
Description: NPR Morning Edition report about the industrial shift hiring workers for manual skills for manufacturing jobs to service jobs requiring more technical skills and continual on-the-job training. Story is part of a series showcasing changes in the manufacturing landscape of the US economy.
Learning Objective: 15-1


Boom and Bust of Oil Jobs in the US
Description: PBS Learning Media video about boom and bust cycles of oil refinery in Montana, and the concomitant growth and loss of job opportunities in the local community.
Learning Objective: 15-5