Video and Multimedia

Click on the following links. Please note these will open in a new window.


Poor Nation's Rising Population
Description: This video is a segment of the PBS New Hour show on the growth of mega cities, particularly of slum housing in low-income countries. Presents data documenting how censuses and population counts are quickly outdated in tracking growing urbanization trend and the planning of social resources.
Learning Objective: 17-2

Community-based Urban Renewal
Description: American Futures documentary video segment exploring the process of gentrification of economically depressed neighbors and the rebuilding of community in the US.
Learning Objective: 17-3

History and Future of Urban Settlements
Description: TED educational video about the history of urbanization, highlighting major civilization milestones leading to the ultimate formation of urban settlements.
Learning Objective: 17-4


Growth of China's Auto Industry
Description: NPR Morning Edition story about the origins and trajectory of automotive industry in China, providing an in-depth discussion of integration of management processes.
Learning Objective: 17-2

Declining Fertility Rates
Description: NPR Weekend Edition news story showcasing factors underlying falling fertility rates and women's pursuit of smaller families to better accommodate their aspirations for economic and occupational success. Story is accompanied with text, photos, and links for further exploration.
Learning Objective: 17-1


Projections of Population Change
Description: NPR interactive article showcasing data and projections for population changes in major world regions from 1950 through 2050. These data highlight effects of national populations characterized as ageing or getting younger across time, based on extrapolation of current trends.
Learning Objective: 17-1

Demography of Poverty and Migration
Description: Pacific Standard article discussing the connection between poverty and migration in the US, with long distance migration linked to labor migration for non-poor and short distance migration tied to family move and housing considerations for the poor.
Learning Objective: 17-3

High Environmental Costs of Urbanization and Development
Description: Pacific Standard report on the health toll of industrialization and degradation of air quality in countries suffering from lax environmental controls
Learning Objective: 17-4

Democratic Urban Planning
Description: Discussion of historic processes of collaborative infrastructure design and building, and the pitfalls and problems that arise when "redevelopment" agencies take over facility planning and construction.
Learning Objective: 17-4