Web Links

Websites from the book:

  1. The Society for Women’s Health Research describes a number of sex differences in brain structure and cognitive function, with references.
  2. The Johns Hopkins Children’s Center’s Disorders of Sex Differentiation provides information on a wide variety of anomalies of sexual development.
  3. Profiles of Two Women With AIS is a video interview with Eden Atwood and a young girl about living with androgen insensitivity syndrome.
  4. Intersex and Intersex Initiative are two sites that provide a wealth of information about intersex conditions and treatment. Interface Project presents the stories of people with intersex conditions, including Eden Atwood.
  5. CNNHealth posted the story of M.C. and his family’s suit against the doctors who performed his sex reassignment surgery.
  6. Facts About Homosexuality and Mental Health describe research and changing attitudes regarding the mental health of homosexual individuals. There are links to additional information.
    Asexual Visibility and Education Network (AVEN) provides information about asexuality and the opportunity to chat on a variety of related topics.

Additional Websites: