Web Links

Websites from the book:

  1. The National Institutes of Health site Prader-Willi Syndrome is a valuable resource for practical as well as technical information about the disorder. The Prader-Willi Association site has information about the association, facts about the disorder, and research information.
  2. ChartsBin has a world map that is color coded to show the daily calorie intake per person in each country. Mouse over the country to see its name, calorie count, and changes since 1990.
  3. The news article on how the FTO gene causes obesity appeared in New Scientist.
  4. You’ve seen Alcoholics Anonymous’s 12-step program applied to all the other drug addictions; now it’s being used to manage compulsive overeating. Overeaters Anonymous has information about its organization and links to the sites of local help organizations.
  5. The National Eating Disorders Association provides information about anorexia, bulimia, obesity, compulsive eating disorder, and other disorders, as well as information about treatments. Walter Kaye’s Research page is a good source for articles on eating disorders, along with research descriptions. Internet Mental Health has information on diagnosis, treatment, and research related to anorexia and bulimia (click on the two disorders in the list).

Additional Websites:

  • Physiological Homeostasis, a product of the Biology Online organization, offers a wealth of information about homeostasis and what it represents. Other links are provided that relate to the regulation of (1) water, (2) blood sugar, and (3) temperature.
  • Glycogen Metabolism has an excellent description of all aspects of glycogen metabolism, including glycogen breakdown, catabolism, and synthesis, as well as diseases associated with glycogen storage.