Web Links

Web links from the book:

  1. The National Sleep Foundation has links to sites of sleep research and support organizations, results of the annual poll Sleep in America, and information on sleep disorders. The National Institutes of Health’s Information about Sleep covers a broad range of topics, with references.
  2. The Sleep Well is the website of William Dement, noted sleep researcher
  3. The Nova video Sleep features research on the role of sleep in memory.
  4. The American Academy of Sleep’s Sleep Education is a good source for information about sleep disorders and treatments
  5. ABC News video cameras caught Amy and Anna raiding the refrigerator- while they were asleep!
  6. Online Papers on Consciousness is a directory of 7,700 articles on the topic.
  7. The news item about near-death experiences appeared in ScienceDaily.
  8. Charlie Rose interviews neuroscientist V. S. Ramachandran, and the website TED presents a lecture by consciousness expert Dan Dennett

Other websites: