Web Links

Websites from the book:

  1. The Brain Observatory’s H.M. page has information about the famous amnesiac and the project to digitize his brain and make it available for continued scientific study. New Scientist TV describes the preparation of HM’s brain and provides a video of the slicing and staining procedure. Having trouble visualizing the hippocampus? See it in a rotating transparent brain at Wikipedia.
  2. ScienceDaily was the source for the news article about the use of retrieval to strengthen memory in patients with memory impairment.
  3. The professional journal Learning & Memory provides free access to published articles from the preceding year and earlier. The American Psychological Association is a good source of information on learning and memory and other topics. Many of the articles are brief updates appearing in the APA Monitor on Psychology. Just type the name of a topic in the search window.
  4. The Alzheimer’s Association has information about the disease, help for caregivers, and descriptions of research it is funding.
  5. The news articles about the NIH/drug company partnership are available from the National Institutes of Health and ScienceNOW.
  6. The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke’s Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome Information Page describes the disorder, treatments, and research.
The Family Caregiver Alliance has a useful fact sheet on Korsakoff’s syndrome, including characteristics, prevalence, diagnosis, and treatment

Other websites:

  • TED talk from Dr. Gregory Petsko, Chair of the Department of Biomedicine at Brandeis University, about the epidemic of Alzheimer’s disease in the next 30 years, due to the increased lifespan of humans (16 min). There also is a 3 minute Q&A video.
  • Alanna Shaikh, a specialist in global health, discusses the effects of Alzheimer’s disease in her own family in a TED talk filmed in Scotland in 2012 (7 min).