Web Links

Web links from the text:

  1. dmoz’s page on Schizophrenia has links to a large number of sites providing information on the disorder. I and I, Dancing Fool, Challenge You the World to a Duel is Ian Chovil’s account of his schizophrenia, bizarre delisions, and homelessness. Coping much better on olanzapine, he now works part time educating the public about the illness.
  2. The New York University School of Medicine offers an online Depression Screening Test to help a person assess his or her symptoms.
  3. MD Junction and DailyStrength provide discussion groups for people affected by SAD and information about the disorder.
  4. The Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance site is a place to learn about mood disorders and ongoing research and to take a mood disorders questionnaire.
  5. The news article about treating PTSD with D-cycloserine and virtual reality therapy is available from Weill Cornell Medical College.


  6. At Hoarders, you can watch entire episodes of the documentary series; if you don’t have time for that, sample a few and read descriptions of the people for insights into the lives of hoarders and their families.
  7. The National Tourette Syndrome Association is a good resource for information on this disorder.
  8. Mental Health: A Report of the Surgeon General concludes that mental health is an issue that must be addressed by the nation.