Multimedia Resources

Click on the following links. Please note these will open in a new window.

Mediation, Moderation, and Third Variable

Video Link:

The video looks at concepts of mediation, moderation, and the third variable problem in correlational and experimental research. It provides examples to illustrate the concepts.

  1. What is mediation? How is mediation related to the third variable problem?
  2. What is moderation? How is moderation related to the third variable problem?

Quasi-experimental Design

Video Link:

Video explains the definition of quasi-experimental designs and examples of when these types of designs are used.

  1. What is a quasi-experimental design? How is it different than an experimental design?
  2. Give examples of research situations in which you would use a quasi-experimental design.

Quantitative vs. Qualitative

Article Link:

Article discusses the differences between qualitative and quantitative research and examples of each.

  1. What is quantitative research? What is qualitative research?
  2. In what situations would qualitative research be a more appropriate strategy than quantitative research?

Introduction to Qualitative Methods in Psychology

Article Link:

Article is an in-depth discussion of qualitative research and the types of methods used in qualitative research.

  1. What is qualitative research? How is it different than quantitative research?
  2. What are some common techniques used in qualitative research?

Content Analysis

Video Link:

Video discusses content analysis and the types of techniques used in content analysis.

  1. What is content analysis? What techniques are used in content analysis?
  2. How does content analysis bridge qualitative and quantitative research?