Multimedia Resources
Click on the following links. Please note these will open in a new window.
Finding Tests in PsycTESTS via EBSCOhost
Video Link:
The video describes how to use PsychTESTS for finding measures and surveys for psychological research.
- What is the PsychTESTS database?
- What are the advantages of using a test that has already been developed compared to creating your own?
Reliability and Validity
Video Link:
The video discusses the concepts of reliability and validity as well as examples of the types of reliability and validity that a researcher can measure.
- What are reliability and validity? Describe two types of each that can be tested.
- Can a test be reliable but not valid? Can a test be valid but not reliable?
What is Cronbach’s Alpha?
Video Link:
Video explains the definition and history of Cronbach’s alpha for measuring reliability.
- What is Cronbach’s alpha and how is it a measure of reliability?
- What is the range of values for Cronbach’s alpha? What does a higher value mean for consistency?
Types of Validity
Video Link:
Video explains validity and the types of validity used to assess the accuracy of a measurement.
- What is validity? Describe two types of validity used to assess the accuracy of a measurement.
- Give an example of a test and how you would measure criterion-related validity.
Social Desirability Bias
Video Link:
Video explains the definition of social desirability and examples of social desirable responses to scales.
- What is the definition of social desirability? How can social desirability affect the results of a study?
- What steps can a researcher take to reduce the potential for socially desirable responses?