Video and Multimedia

Audio Resource

Audio 1: Growth in the Shadows: Sub-Saharan Africa’s Informal Economy

Description: In this International Monetary Fund podcast episode, economist Ali Mansoor discusses the role of the informal economy in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Learning Objective: 15.4: Distinguish between the formal and informal economy.

Video Resources

Video 1: The Industrial Revolution (18–19th Century)

Description: This animation covers the major factors that contributed to the Industrial Revolution.

Learning Objective: 15.1: Describe the three major economic revolutions that have shaped the contemporary world.

Video 2: The Future of Your Job in the Age of AI

Description: This Wired video investigates the phenomenon of robot coworkers and artificial intelligence assistants.

Learning Objective: 15.2: Discuss current and potential effects of automation and artificial intelligence on the labor market.

Web Resource

Web 1: The Concept Creep of “Emotional Labor”

Description: This article discusses sociologist Arlie Hochschild’s term “emotional labor,” and why Hochschild thinks the term is being misused today.

Learning Objective: 15.1: Describe the three major economic revolutions that have shaped the contemporary world.