Learning Objectives
By the end of this chapter, you will be able to do the following:
15.1 Argue why you should care about the transparency, reproducibility, and replicability of your research and how a lack of transparency is detrimental to the credibility of social and behavioral science research.
15.2 Recommend how you can improve transparency about your theory and discuss the benefits of THARKing for theory development.
15.3 Appraise how to transparently report your research design choices, including the best way to report choices regarding control variables.
15.4 Critique, why you should transparently report all measures used in your study and how altering scale items affects the psychometric properties of the scales.
15.5 Assess how a lack of transparency in reporting data-analytical procedures impedes reproducibility and discuss best practices for reporting how you handled outliers.
15.6 Judge the importance of transparency when reporting results and describe why reporting results of all tests of assumptions increases transparency.
15.7 Defend how journals and publishers, editors, and reviewers play a crucial role in motivating authors to increase transparency.
15.8 Appraise how open-science training and promoting shared values can motivate authors to increase transparency.