Learning Objectives
By the end of this chapter, you will be able to do the following:
16.1 Defend why you should care about the impact of your research and why we need to broaden the definition of scholarly impact.
16.2 Discuss the use and misuse of journal lists and citations and the new bottom line for valuing academic research (“an A is an A”).
16.3 Articulate the reasons for using journal lists in the social and behavioral sciences and the resulting positive and negative consequences.
16.4 Formulate how to broaden the meaning and measurement of scholarly impact and the need for a pluralist conceptualization of impact based on a multidimensional and multistakeholder model.
16.5 Propose how university administrators can enhance impact, including (1) aligning scholarly impact goals with actions and resource-allocation decisions, (2) ensuring that performance management and reward systems are consistent with impact goals, (3) being strategic in selecting a journal list, and (4) developing a strong doctoral program.
16.6 Arrange recommendations for researchers and educators to enhance scholarly impact, including (1) developing a personal scholarly impact plan, (2) becoming an academic decathlete, (3) finding ways to affect multiple impact dimensions simultaneously, and (4) leveraging social media to broaden impact on external stakeholders.
16.7 Asses how you can enhance your scholarly impact by creating a personal impact development plan.
16.8 Prepare your personal impact development plan, including the overall content, developmental activities, context, and university leaders’ role in implementing it.