Learning Objectives
By the end of this chapter, you will be able to do the following:
7.1 Argue why you should care about experiments and how experiments provide evidence regarding causality.
7.2 Defend the usefulness of experimental vignette methodology (EVM) and describe the two main types of EVM.
7.3 Recommend how to conduct studies using experimental vignette methodology, including how to maximize internal and external validity and how to report results transparently to ensure replicability.
7.4 Compare the methodological approaches of online experiments, longitudinal surveys, and existing datasets, and identify the advantages of online experiments.
7.5 Diagram best-practice recommendations for using Amazon’s Mechanical Turk (MTurk) in social and behavioral science research.
7.6 Critique the advantages and disadvantages of using virtual reality (VR) for conducting experiments.
7.7 Appraise the process of conducting thought experiments and identify when they will likely be particularly relevant.
7.8 Decide which type of thought experiment is most suitable given your research goals.