Video and Multimedia

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Video Resources

The Kazdin Method of Parenting

Learning Objective: 9.3 Describe and give examples of evidence-based psychosocial treatments for childhood conduct problems.

Description: In this 9-minute video, Dr. Alan Kazdin describes the origins of defiant behavior and provides practical steps for assisting parents to decrease defiant behavior in children.

Questions to Consider

  1. How do children learn to be defiant?
  2. Describe parent management training.
  3. How effective is parent management training?

The Boy They Call Chucky

Learning Objective 9.1 Describe the key features of Oppositional Defiant Disorder and Conduct Disorder.

Description: This 47-minute documentary follows a family struggling with a child with Conduct Disorder and ADHD. Some of the scenes in this video are quite intense.

Questions to Consider

  1. What symptoms of conduct disorder does Christian demonstrate?
  2. Describe the family’s journey to find appropriate treatment.
  3. What is the relationship between his family and his experience? How do they influence each other?

Haunted by Columbine: Retro Report Documentary

Learning Objective: 9.2 Discuss some of the main causes of children’s conduct problems across genetic, biological, psychological, familial, and social-cultural levels of analysis.

Description: This 12-minute story from the New York Times talks about the aftermath of the Columbine tragedy and how we understand school shootings today.

Questions to Consider

  1. What misunderstandings are common about the Columbine shooting?
  2. How can understanding these misunderstandings help us intervene with children and prevent these events in the future?

Audio Resources

“Burning Down the House” Makes the Case against Juvenile Incarceration

Learning Objective: 9.2 Discuss some of the main causes of children’s conduct problems across genetic, biological, psychological, familial, and social-cultural levels of analysis.

Description: This 37-minute Fresh Air interview addresses how we should treat children and adolescents who have committed crimes, many of whom have Conduct Disorder.

Questions to Consider

  1. According to the book’s author, what is the biggest predictor of adult incarceration? Why might that be?
  2. What should be the role of treatment in juvenile facilities?
  3. What do the evidence-based programs do that is different from other facilities?

Why Preschool Suspensions Still Happen (And How to Stop Them)?

Learning Objective: 9.2 Discuss some of the main causes of children’s conduct problems across genetic, biological, psychological, familial, and social-cultural levels of analysis.           

Description: This 4-minute clip describes causes and solutions for preschool suspensions.

Questions to Consider

  1. Why is it important to not suspend children in preschool?
  2. Clearly, the children who are suspended from preschool are children who are at high risk for ODD or CD. How would you more effectively deal with children who have these problems at this young age?
  3. What are the roles of race and gender in this issue?