Video and Multimedia

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Video Resources

Young Schizophrenic at Her Mind’s Mercy

Learning Objective: 14.2 Describe the key features of Schizophrenia and show how children might display the signs and symptoms of this disorder differently than adults.

Description: This 8-minute video from the Los Angeles Times describes a young girl struggling with schizophrenia.

Questions to Consider

  1. Why were Jani’s parents originally concerned? How was she diagnosed?
  2. How is Jani being treated for schizophrenia?
  3. What symptoms does Jani demonstrate?

Non-Medication Treatment of Child and Adolescent Bipolar Disorder

Learning Objective: 14.1.c Evaluate the effectiveness of medication and psychotherapy for preventing and treating bipolar disorders in youths.

Description: In this 4-minute video, Dr. Mary Fristad of Ohio State University discusses the benefits of non-medication interventions for bipolar disorder.

Questions to Consider

  1. Why do we not have treatment recommendations for non-medication treatments?
  2. What types of interventions does Dr. Fristad discuss? What are the “active ingredients”?
  3. Why is it important to name the disorder?

Schizophrenia Gene Discovery Sheds Light on Possible Cause

Learning Objective: 14.2.b Outline the neurodevelopmental model for Schizophrenia in children and adolescents.

Description: In this 4-minute clip, Dr. Steven McCarroll describes new research that has identified one specific gene implicated in schizophrenia.

Questions to Consider

  1. What is new in this research into the causes of schizophrenia?
  2. What is the role of the gene that has been implicated in schizophrenia?
  3. What are the implications for treatment of the disorder?

Audio Resources

Halting Schizophrenia before It Starts

Learning Objective: 14.2.c Describe effective medications and psychosocial treatments to prevent or manage schizophrenia in children and adolescents.

Description: This 9-minute story discusses research that on interventions to halt the progression of schizophrenia among those who are beginning to show symptoms.

Questions to Consider

  1. Describe Meghan’s mental health journey.
  2. What are the early interventions for prodromal schizophrenia? How effective are these?
  3. Why is it so difficult to diagnose schizophrenia in teens? What implications does this have for the prescription of antipsychotics?

Tips for Parenting a Child with Bipolar Disorder

Learning Objective: 14.1.c Evaluate the effectiveness of medication and psychotherapy for preventing and treating bipolar disorders in youths.

Description: In this 18-minute clip interview, Dr. Ellen Leibenluft, Dr. Carl Bell, author, and mother of a child with bipolar disorder Cassandra Joubert offer advice for parenting children with bipolar disorder.

Questions to Consider

  1. How was Maya’s disorder recognized as bipolar disorder?
  2. What role does stigma play in parents having kids assessed and diagnosed with bipolar disorder?
  3. What advice do these experts have for parents of children with this diagnosis?