Video and Multimedia

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Video Resources

What DSM-5 Means for Diagnosing Mental Health Patients?

Learning Objective: 1.2 Critically evaluate the DSM-5 concept of “mental disorder” as it applies to children and adolescents.

Description: This 8½ minute PBS NewsHour interview discusses the implications of the changes in the most recent edition of the DSM.

Questions to Consider

  1. What are the strengths and limitations of the revised DSM?
  2. What is the role of clinical judgment in using the DSM?
  3. As discussed in the video, what is the risk of taking the DSM too literally?

Professional Resources: Why are Evidence-Based Practices Important in Mental Health?

Learning Objective: 1.4 Explain why evidence-based practice is helping children and families experiencing mental health problems.

Description: This hour-long keynote address by Dr. William Pelham at the Society for Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology discusses the current status of evidence-based practice in the field.

Questions to Consider

  1. What reasons does Dr. Pelham give for why evidence-based practices are important?
  2. How effective are evidence-based treatments?
  3. What are the criteria for evidence-based treatment? That is, how do we know if a treatment is evidence-based?
  4. What are the barriers to implementing evidence-based practices?

Childhood is Not a Mental Disorder

Learning Objective: 1.1 Describe the prevalence of childhood disorders and how prevalence varies as a function of children’s age, gender, socioeconomic status, and ethnicity.

Description: ​This very brief (less than 2 minute) video encourages people to stop labeling children with disorders. This video may serve as a discussion launcher to discuss why diagnosis is controversial.

Questions to Consider

  1. The video makes the point that children should not be diagnosed. Why?
  2. How would you defend the importance of diagnosis?

Audio Resources

How Talking Openly Against Stigma Helped a Mother and Son Cope with Bipolar Disorder?

Learning Objective: 1.1 Describe the prevalence of childhood disorders and how prevalence varies as a function of children’s age, gender, socioeconomic status, and ethnicity.

Description: This 11-minute news story discusses how one family went from not understanding the son’s diagnosis to being advocates against stigma and for diagnosis and treatment.

Questions to Consider

  1. Why was it so difficult to get an appropriate diagnosis for Eric?
  2. Describe how stigma affected both Eric and his mother.
  3. Why does Eric now call bipolar disorder his superpower?

**If you prefer a video, there is a TED Talk by Liza Long on the same topic:

Trauma Plagues Many Immigrant Kids in the United States Illegally

Learning Objective: 1.1 Describe the prevalence of childhood disorders and how prevalence varies as a function of children’s age, gender, socioeconomic status, and ethnicity.

Description: This 5-minute news story discusses the experience of violence and trauma among Central American children who have entered the United States Illegally.

Questions to Consider

  1. List and describe the challenges facing the children described in the news story.
  2. What first steps do you think would help these children?