Web Resources

Click on the following links. Please note these will open in a new window.

American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry: Medication Guide
The AACAP website contains an excellent guide, written for parents, that discusses medication used to treat depression in children and adolescents. The guide provides up-to-date information about medication options and safety.

Coping With Depression—Adolescent Treatment Manual

You can read the CWD-A treatment manual as well as other cognitive behavioral treatment manuals at his site, maintained by Dr. Gregory Clarke. Please note that these manuals are meant to be used by mental health professionals only and are not meant to be self-help manuals.

Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance
The Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance (DBSA) is a patient-directed organization focusing on mood disorders in children and adults. The organization provides up-to-date, scientifically based tools and information written in language the general public can understand.

Families for Depression Awareness
Families for Depression Awareness is a national nonprofit organization helping families recognize and cope with depressive disorders to get people well and prevent suicides.

PBS: Information for Children and Families on Depression
PBS Kids has produced a great webpage for children about depression and other emotional problems. Be sure to look at the videos that deal with topics such as the death of a loved one, coping with parental divorce, and the transition to middle school.

American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
The AFSP supports research and provides resources to assist those affected by suicide. The website has information about suicide and resources for those thinking about suicide and those who care for someone who has committed or attempted suicide.

Cornell University Self-Injury and Recovery Research and Resources (SIRRR)
This website provides information and resources for nonsuicidal self-injury, with resources for those who self-harm, their loved ones, and professionals.