Web Resources

Click on the following links. Please note these will open in a new window.

Evidence-Based Behavioral Practice
The EBBP.org project creates training resources to help bridge the gap between behavioral health research and practice. Professionals from the major health disciplines are collaborating to learn, teach, and implement evidence-based behavioral practice. Although this site is chiefly designed for professionals, you might find it interesting.

Effective Child Therapy
Maintained by APA’s Division 53 (Society of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, this site was developed to educate the public and professionals about mental health treatments that have the strongest scientific support, and are most likely to work.

Clinical Trials
The National Institutes of Health has a database of clinical trials for the treatment of children’s mental health disorders. This list of research studies is interesting to scan to learn about the most current work in the field.

Association for Play Therapy
The Association for Play Therapy is a national society dedicated to understanding the therapeutic utility of play. The website includes information on play therapy and links to resources.