SPSS Exercises

1. Use the GSS10SSDS file to investigate whether or not Americans have at least two children per person. Use the One Sample T Test procedure to do this test with the variable CHILDS. Do the test at the .01 significance level. What did you find? Do Americans have two children, more, or less?

2. Investigate the difference between individuals who support legalization of marijuana from those who do not based on data from the GSS. Use the variable GRASS as your independent or grouping variable (1 = legal and 2 = not legal). Investigate whether there is a significant difference between these two groups in terms of their age (AGE), number of children (CHILDS), and education (EDUC). Assume that α is .05 for a two-tailed test. Based on your analysis, write three Step 5–type statements summarizing your findings.

3. Extend your analysis in Exercise 2, this time by comparing individuals who support/do not support gun permits (GUNLAW). Use the same dependent variables, AGE, CHILDS, and EDUC, to estimate t tests. Assume α is .05 for a two-tailed test. Prepare a statement to summarize your findings.

4. The GSS10SSDS includes a measure of highest educational degree completed (DEGREE). Test whether there is a significant difference between those with less than high school (coded 0) and those with a bachelor’s degree (coded 3) in the number of hours they watch television (TVHOURS) and in the number of hours on the Internet per week (WWWHR). Assume α is .05 for a two-tailed test. Prepare a statement to summarize your findings.

5. In this exercise, we will use data from the MTF2011 survey, comparing GPA between two racial/ethnic student groups. First, you’ll need to run frequencies of the variable RACE, taking note of what each racial/ ethnic group is coded (e.g., black students are coded as “1”). The MTF 2011 includes three categories for RACE; you’ll need to select two as your independent (factor) variables. Use GPA as your dependent vari­able. Calculate the t-test models for two sets of GPA comparisons, for example, white versus black and black versus Hispanic. Assume α is .05 for a two-tailed test. Prepare a statement to summarize your findings.