SAGE Journal Articles

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Article 1: Haynie, D.L., & Armstrong, D.P. (2006). Race and Gender-Disaggregated Homicide Offending Rates: Differences and Similarities by Victim-Offender Relations Across Cities. Homicide Studies, 10(1): 3-32.  

  1. Consider the authors’ discussion of standard deviation on p. 20. What can you say about the relationship between increasing income variance and predicted homicide rates among both white and black females? For which population is the association stronger?

Article 2: Ramirez-Valles, J., Kuhns, L. M., Campbell, R. T., and Diaz, R. M.  (2010). Social integration and health: Community involvement, stigmatized identities, and sexual risk in Latino sexual minorities. Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 51(1), 30-47.  

  1. Identify the basic research question as stated by the authors.
  2. Identify a dependent variable and independent variable.
  3. Identify the level of measurement of each.
  4. Find an example of a descriptive and an inferential statistic.

Article 3: Haas, S. A., Schaefer, D. R., and Kornienko, O.  (2010). Health and the structure of adolescent social networks.  Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 51(4), 424-439.

  1. Identify the basic research question as stated by the authors.
  2. Identify a dependent and independent variable.
  3. Identify the level of measurement of each.
  4. Find an example of a descriptive and an inferential statistic.