SAGE Journal Articles

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Journal Article #1: Anderson, P. D., & Bokor, G. (2012). Bioterrorism: Pathogens as weapons. Journal of Pharmacy Practice, 25, 521–529.

Abstract: Biowarfare has been used for centuries. The use of biological weapons in terrorism remains a threat. Biological weapons include infectious agents (pathogens) and toxins. The most devastating bioterrorism scenario would be the airborne dispersal of pathogens over a concentrated population area. Characteristics that make a specific pathogen a high-risk for bioterrorism include a low infective dose, ability to be aerosolized, high contagiousness, and survival in a variety of environmental conditions. The most dangerous potential bioterrorism agents include the microorganisms that produce anthrax, plague, tularemia, and smallpox. Other diseases of interest to bioterrorism include brucellosis, glanders, melioidosis, Q fever, and viral encephalitis. Food safety and water safety threats are another area of concern

Journal Article #2: Holt, T. J. (2012). Examining the forces shaping cybercrime markets online. Social Science Computer Review, 31, 165–177.

Abstract: Malicious software is increasingly used by hackers and attackers in order to acquire sensitive information and compromise various systems. The sophistication of these tools has increased to such a point that individuals now sell various programs and services through electronic markets where data can be bought and sold. There is, however, minimal research examining the social dynamics that structure the relationships between buyers and sellers and the nature of the market dynamics overall. This study addresses this gap in the literature through a qualitative investigation of a sample of threads from 10 publicly accessible Russian web forums that facilitate the distribution of malware and attack tools. The findings indicate that price, customer service, and trust influence the relationships between actors in this market and influence the nature of exchanges in these forums.