SAGE Journal Articles

Chapter 7

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Goldsmith, A. (2005). Police Reform and the Problem of Trust. Theoretical Criminology, 9(4), 443-470.
1. What is the nature of trust and how does it relate to policing?
2. List the five reasons not to trust the police presented in this paper.
3. How can police rebuild their trustworthiness?


Gabbidon, S. L., Higgins, G. E., & Potter, H. (2011). Race, Gender, and the Perception of Recently Experiencing Unfair Treatment by the Police: Exploratory Results From an All-Black Sample. Criminal Justice Review, 36(5), 5-21.

1. What sampling method did the researchers utilize in this study?
2. What are the independent and dependent variables?
3. What analysis did the authors use?
4. What are the conclusions of this study?


Wallace, A. (2009). Mapping City Crime and the New Aesthetic of Danger. Journal of Visual Culture, 8(1), 5-24.

1. What is crime-mapping and how is it used in law enforcement?
2. List and explain three of the myths and legends of crime mapping?
3. Explain the issue of space and time distortion.