SAGE Journal Articles

Chapter 2

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Green, R. T. (2002). Common law, equity, and American public administration. The American Review of Public Administration, 32(3), 263-294.

1. The author discusses Philip K. Howard’s book in detail.  What is Howard’s solution to legal and administrative malaise and how has it been criticized?
2. Generally, what are the claims for common law presented by the author?
3. Explain the model presented by the author for public administrators to use in improving an agency’s decision making under law.


Kassow, B., Songer, D. R., & Fix, M. P. (2012). The influence of precedent on state supreme courts. Political Research Quarterly, 65(2), 372-384.                     

1. What are some of the limitations of the previous studies concerning impact and implementation?
2. What is the methodology for this study?
3. What do the authors conclude concerning the influence of precedent on state supreme courts?


Du Mont, J., Miller, K.L., & Myhr, T.L. (2003).  The Role of “Real Rape” and “Real Victim” Stereotypes in the Police Reporting Practices of Sexually Assaulted Women.  Violence Against Women, 9(4), 466-486

1. What methods did the authors employ to test their research question?
2. Explain the analytic strategy the authors used.
3. What type of association was found between reporting a sexual assault and the components tested?