SAGE Journal Articles

Chapter 14

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Foucault, M. (2009). Alternatives to the prison: Dissemination or decline of social control? Theory, Culture & Society, 26(6), 12-24.

1. Did the Swedish prison the author speaks of have a rehabilitative affect?  Why or why not?
2. What is refamilialization?
3. What paradoxical hypothesis does the author propose?


Teague, M. (2011). Probation in America: Armed, private and unaffordable? Probation Journal, 58(4), 317-332.

1. What was probation formerly primarily used for?
2. What key contextual issues does the author discuss?
3. Explain the Justice Reinvestment initiative.


Benda, B. B. (2001). Factors that discriminate between recidivists, parole violators, and nonrecidivists in a 3-year follow-up of boot camp graduates. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 45, 711-729.

1. What sampling method did the author employ in this study?
2. Describe the methodology of the study.
3. What were the outcomes related to boot camp and recidivism?