SAGE Journal Articles

Chapter 6

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Mastrofski, S. D. (2004). Controlling street-level police discretion. The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science593(1), 100-118.

1. What are the four problems concerning the Committee to Review Research on Police Practices research discussed by the author?
2. Why does the author state the measures of police practice are irrelevant?
3. What recommendations are made by the author to control police street-level discretion?

Skogan, W. g., & Meares, T. L. Lawful Policing. The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science593(1), 66-83.

1. What does this article review?
2. List some of the ways police get in trouble according to the authors and explain.
3. How do the authors propose law enforcement get out of these troubles?


Lee, J. V. (2010). Policing after 9/11: Community policing in an age of homeland security. Police Quarterly13(4), 347-366.                                                                 

1. Explain community oriented policing (COP).
2. What is the methodology of this study?
3. What conclusions does the author present and what are the policy implications for these conclusions?