SAGE Journal Articles

Chapter 4

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Alpert, G. P., & Noble, J. J. (2009). Lies, true lies, and conscious deception: Police officers and the truth. Police Quarterly, 12(2), 237-254.
1. What is the deception continuum?
2. How are lies and deception considered acceptable conduct by law enforcement agencies?
3. What are the authors’ recommendations concerning deception and lying for law enforcement?


Rothwell, G. R., & Baldwin, J. N. (2007). Whistle-blowing and the code of silence in police agencies: Police and structural predictors. Crime & Delinquency, 53(4), 605-632.

1. What is the research question of this study?
2. What are the policy and structural variables used in the study and why?
3. What do the results indicate concerning predictors of whistle-blowing?


Ross, J. I. (2013). Deconstructing correctional officer deviance: Toward typologies of actions and controls. Criminal Justice Review, 38(1), 110-126. 

1. What are the most dominant kinds of correctional officer deviance?
2. Explain the typology created by the author concerning the categories of deviance and the variety of controls.

3. What recommendations for further research are posed by the researcher?