Chapter Summary with Learning Objectives

Chapter 5

Organization is an entity of two or more people who cooperate to achieve an objective(s).  America’s policing structure is based in English and Colonial roots.  The terms sheriff, constable, coroner, and justice of the peace all came from early English courts and law systems. From 1829-1860, England reformed policing with the appointment of Sir Robert Peel and the creation of the first police force. The United States went through three eras of reform: The Political Era, The Reform Era, and The Community Era (in which we reside today).  A number of federal agencies were created to protect the United States against foreign and domestic threats including the creation of the Department of Homeland Security, which houses the Customs and Border Patrol, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Transportation Security Administration, Coast Guard, and Secret Service.  The Department of Justice is over the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, Drug Enforcement Administration, and the U.S. Marshals Service.  Other federal agencies include the Central Intelligence Agency and the Internal Revenue Service. State agencies include the state police as well as state bureaus of investigation.  Local agencies, or municipal police and sheriff’s departments, enforce laws and maintain peace within specified cities or municipalities.  A detailed organizational structure chart is provided to show chain of command and the various elements and their functions.


  • Describe the four major police-related offices and their functions that came to America from early England
  • Discuss the three eras of policing
  • Review events and problems that led to the current community era
  • Diagram and explain the elements of the basic organizational structure of a local police agency
  • Distinguish between structure and functions of municipal police departments and county sheriff’s offices

Explain the primary duties and titles of state-level law enforcement organizations

  • Describe the functions of the major federal law enforcement organizations that compose the Department of Homeland Security, the Department of Justice, and other selected federal agencies
  • Relate the purposes, functions, and contributions of Interpol
  • Explain how and why private policing was developed, and the contemporary purposes and issues of the private police


  • Organization
    • An entity of two or more people who cooperate to achieve an objective(s)
  • English and Colonial Roots: An Overview
    • Sheriff
    • Constable
    • Coroner
    • Justice of the Peace
    • Police Reform in England and United States, 1829-1860
  • Policing Comes to the United States
    • The Political Era, 1840’s-1930’s
    • The Reform Era, 1930’s-1980’s
    • The Community Era, 1980’s-Present
  • Selected Federal Agencies
    • Department of Homeland Security
    • Department of Justice
    • Other Federal Agencies
    • Internal Revenue Service (IRS): 1919; monitoring and collection of federal income taxed from American individuals and businesses
  • State Agencies
    • Patrol, Police, and Investigative Organizations
    • Other Special-Purpose State Agencies
  • Local Agencies: Municipal Police and Sheriff’s Departments
    • What Local Agencies Do: Basic Operations
    • Organization of Local Agencies