SAGE Journal Articles

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Article 1: Using Inclusive Language

Molenberghs, P.,  Prochilo, G.,  Steffens, N. K., Zacher, H., & Haslam, S. A. (2015). The Neuroscience of Inspirational Leadership: The Importance of Collective-Oriented Language and Shared Group Membership. Journal of Management, doi:10.1177/0149206314565242.

Questions that apply to this article:

  1. How does out-group membership impact a leader’s influence in a group?
  2. How does in-group membership impact a leader’s influence in a group?
  3. How is social identity theory applicable to in-group and out-group membership and leadership?

Article 2: Relationships Among Group Members

Randsley de Moura, G., Leader, T., Pelletier, J., & Abrams, D. (2008). Prospects for Group Processes and Intergroup Relations Research: A Review of 70 Years' Progress. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 11(4), 575-596.

Questions that apply to this article:

  1. Why do you think researchers have expanded the body of literature on group processes over time?  In other words, what might explain this trend?
  2. Does it tend to be more challenging to study individuals or groups when it comes to leadership research?