Links to Professional Resources

Click on the following links. Please note these will open in a new window.

1. Arizona State News Co/Lab

This is a list of resources published by ASU’s News Co/Lab to help determine the difference between true news stories and misinformation.

Follow on Twitter: @news_collab

2. Blog Law Online

This blog discusses a range of media law topics and often ventures into libel law as it relates to newer forms of media.

3. Electronic Frontier Foundation: Online Defamation Law Guide

The EFF is a non-profit organization that focuses on “defending civil liberties in the digital world.” The Online Defamation guide provides an overview of libel law.

Follow on Twitter: @EFF

4. Electronic Frontier Foundation: Overview of Section 230

This page outlines the legal protections afforded by Section 230 to bloggers and other online publishers.

Follow on Twitter: @EFF

5. Fake News and the First Amendment

This is a video tutorial created by Professor Eugene Volokh, author of the Volokh Conspiracy blog. It is part of his Free Speech Rules series.

Follow on Twitter: @VolokhC

6. International Press Institute

This is the website for a global network of journalists, editors, and media executives, whose mission is “to defend media freedom and the free flow of news wherever they are threatened.”

Follow on Twitter: @globalfreemedia

7. First Amendment Center: Online Libel

This is another page within the Freedom Forum Institute’s website. Author Jarrod F. Reich examines the nuances of libel online.

8. Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press: Libel & Privacy

This link provides access to relevant media stories about libel and its defenses.

Follow on Twitter: @RCFP and @RCFPTech (a sister account focused on technology and journalism)

9. Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, The First Amendment Handbook

The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press defines many terms and concepts that relate to libel defenses. The First Amendment Handbook provides guidelines for reporters regarding libel, access to courts, privacy, and more.

Follow on Twitter: @RCFP and @RCFPTech (a sister account focused on technology and journalism)

10. Media Law Blog

This is the libel section of a media law blog written by media and technology attorney Robert J. Ambrogi.

Follow on Twitter: @Bobambrogi