Video and Multimedia
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Audio Resources
Audio Link 4.1: Why Painting a Black Boys Nails Isn’t Going Against His Culture
Description: Being a kid who defies gender norms is tough. It can be tougher when you're also contending with pressures—and stereotypes—tied to your race.
Learning Objective: 4.4: Describe how we develop a self through interacting with others.
Audio Link 4.2: “Theybies”: Letting Children Decide Their Gender
Description: Is your baby a boy or a girl? Maybe, it’s a “theyby.” Listen to this discussion about raising children without a gender designation.
Learning Objective: 4.4: Describe how we develop a self through interacting with others.
Audio Link 4.3: Teen Creates App So Bullied Kids Never Have to Eat Alone
Description: This podcast explores how a 16 year old has created a new app where children that are bullied no longer have to eat alone during lunchtime.
Learning Objective: 4.4: Describe how we develop a self through interacting with others.
Video Resources
Video Link 4.1: Aging in US Society
Description: With 35 million elderly people in America, “the old, old” — those over 85 — are now considered the fastest growing segment of the U.S. population. For millions of Americans, living longer also means serious chronic illness and a protracted physical decline that can require an immense amount of care, often for years and sometimes even decades.
Learning Objective: 4.7: Identify policy questions that rely on an understanding of socialization.
Video Link 4.2: The Affluence Effect: College Socialization and Inequality
Description: In this video, Tali Mendelberg of Princeton University gives a lecture on how the disproportionate number of affluent students attending colleges and universities has larger implications for the politics of income inequality.
Learning Objective: 4.3: Defend the position that groups at each level in our social world have a stake in how we are socialized.
Video Link 4.3: Epigenetics: Nature vs. Nurture
Description: This short clip describes why identical twins end up with totally different personalities by looking at the impact of environment and genetics.
Learning Objective: 4.1: Summarize the nature-versus-nurture debate and the sociological perspective on it.
Web Resources
Web Link 4.1: What Twins Can Teach Us About Nature vs. Nurture
Description: This article discusses the relative importance of nature and nurture how this debate has influenced public policy.
Learning Objective: 4.1: Summarize the nature-versus-nurture debate and the sociological perspective on it.
Web Link 4.2: Consequences of Social Isolation for Children and Adolescents
Description: School absence for prolonged periods results in limited interaction with other children and adolescents. Some children may end up completely losing their social network. What kind of consequences can this kind of social isolation have for children and young adults?
Learning Objective: 4.2: Predict the impact of isolation and neglect on children.