Video and Multimedia
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Audio Resources
Audio Link 14.1: Me Too Movement
Description: While the “Me Too” movement made considerable waves in 2018, there is a sharp party-line divide on sexual assault.
Learning Objective: 14.3: Explain how stresses and strains can lead to organizational change.
Audio Link 14.2: Armed Militias and Antifa
Description: Mark Pitcavage of the Anti-Defamation League says the militia movement has created a conspiracy theory about the anti-fascist protesters, saying they're domestic terrorists backed by George Soros.
Learning Objective: 14.6: Illustrate the stages of social movements.
Audio Link 14.3: The State of the “Alt-Right”
Description: As we approach a year since the deadly rally in Charlottesville, NPR’s Renee Montagne asks George Hawley of the University of Alabama about the state of the “alt-right.”
Learning Objective: 14.6: Illustrate the stages of social movements.
Video Resources
Video Link 14.1: Dakota Access Pipeline
Description: This video discusses how the main resistance camp set up by Lakota water protectors fighting the Dakota Access pipeline has been largely vacated after protesters were ordered to leave the camp. Despite the clearing of the camp, the protest continues.
Learning Objective: 14.1: Describe how the development of technology brings about change in societies and their environments.
Video Link 14.2: Trans Mountain Valley Pipeline
Description: Indigenous groups once again take center stage in a standoff against energy companies.
Learning Objective: 14.1: Describe how the development of technology brings about change in societies and their environments.
Web Resources
Web Link 14.1: Social Movements in 2018
Description: From the #MeToo movement, to #BlackLivesMatter, 2017 was a year dominated with high profile social movements.
Learning Objective: 14.6: Illustrate the stages of social movements.
Web Link 14.2: Consequences of Living in a Tech World
Description: Tech author Adam Greenfield says we aren’t thinking enough about the profound societal changes that can come with our technological progress.
Learning Objective: 14.1: Describe how the development of technology brings about change in societies and their environments.