Video and Multimedia

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Audio Resources

Audio Link 1.1: Is College Worth It? Recent Grads Share Their Experiences

Description: A group of recent college graduates, including a sociology major, share their experiences entering the work force. A valuable discussion for students considering or already pursuing a degree in sociology or a related field.

Learning Objective: 1.2: Describe why sociology can be useful for us.

Audio Link 1.2: Sociology as Emancipatory Education

Description: A high school teacher discusses the benefits her students receive by developing their sociological perspectives in the podcast Office Hours.

Learning Objective: 1.1: Explain the sociological perspective.

Video Resources

Video Link 1.1: What Is the Sociological Imagination?

Description: Sociology students from the University of Auckland describe C. Wright Mill’s concept.

Learning Objective: 1.1: Explain the sociological perspective.

Video Link 1.2: The Wisdom of Sociology

Description: How can an academic discipline like Sociology be life changing? This talk suggests one way by exploring how sociologists teach us to re-image our personal problems and ourselves.

Web Resources

Web Link 1.1: Thinking About Majoring in Sociology?

Description: This resource is produced by the American Sociological Association and offers a host of information for students interested in becoming sociologists.

Learning Objective: 1.2 Describe why sociology can be useful for us.

Web Link: 1.2: The Sociological Perspective on Other Animals

Description: In this piece by the Everyday Sociology Blog, readers are encouraged to use the experiences of other animals to understand sociological concepts.

Learning Objective: 1.1: Explain the sociological perspective.