Video and Multimedia

Click on the following links. Please note these will open in a new window.

Learning objective: 8.1 Contrast different political news media sources in the twenty-first century

Video 8.1: The protection of journalists in conflict situations - Security Council, 7450th meeting
Description: Security Council debates the protection of civilians in war zones including journalists

Video 8.2: Getting Serious on the Net Neutrality Debate
Description: Aspen Institute discussion of the net neutrality issue (long but worth it)


Learning objective 8.2: Trace the historical development of the American news media

Web Link 8.1: U.S. Diplomacy and Yellow Journalism, 1895–1898
Description: More from the Historian of the Dept of State regarding the Maine explosion and Yellow Journalism

Web Link 8.2: Edward R. Murrow: "A Report on Senator Joseph R. McCarthy"
Description: Ed R. Murrow's special against Senator McCarthy


Learning objective 8.4: Evaluate the consequences of the pressure on traditional news outlets to compete for an audience

Video 8.4: Internet Killed the Newspaper Star
Description: Makes fun of clickbait above solid news content

Video 8.5: Journalism: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)
Description: John Oliver's humorous take on the downfall/transformation of journalism (note-bad language)


Learning objective 8.5 Contrast different perspectives on bias in the media and the power of the media to shape political understanding and behaviors

Description: Footage and Analysis of the famous Kennedy-Nixon Debate

Web Link 8.4:
Description: The press acts as a watchdog by preventing politicians from undesirably actions.

Audio Link 8.1: On the Media Audio
Description: Weekly Audio on the Media

Video 8.3: Hungry For Power Games: Republican National Convention Edition
Description: Stephen Colbert pranks the RNC and actually goes on stage