Video and Multimedia

Click on the following links. Please note these will open in a new window.

Learning objective 17.1: Understand the United States’ approach to fiscal policy and the tools that are used to measure and implement those policies

Web Link 17.3: Greg Mankiw's Blog
Description: Blog discussing issues of monetary and fiscal policy.

Web Link 17.6: Stimulus Tracker
Description: Interactive graph of how the Stimulus Package was spent.


Learning objective 17.2: Describe how the federal budget is set and how federal budget surpluses and deficits work

Web Link 17.1: Interactive Budget
Description: An interactive breakdown of the Federal Budget

Web Link 17.2: Federal Budget 101
Description: An introduction to the federal budget process.

Audio Link 17.1: Borrowed Times
Description: The "history of the national debt"


Learning objective 17.4: Summarize the role of the Federal Reserve System in guiding national monetary policy

Web Link 17.4: Student Debt Crisis
Description: Nonprofit advocating affordable higher education.

Web Link 17.5: Clinton Borrows From Bernie
Description: Explanation of the origins of and the specifics of Clinton's plan for free college.