Video and Multimedia

Click on the following links. Please note these will open in a new window.

Audio Links:

  • Spotting Lies: Listen, Don't Look - How understanding of body language helps you spot lies.
    • What are some bodily signs showing a person lies?
    • How can you improve your understanding of body language?
  • “Decoding Body Language”
    •  Are the examples the FBI agent discusses examples of nonverbal communication?  Explain.
    • How does he explain that the behaviors he discussions are universal?
  • Justice Scalia's Under-the-Chin Gesture
    • What country did Roger Axtell identify as particularly nonverbally expressive?
    • What examples did Axtell give of gestures that can cause misunderstanding?
    • Get other examples from the author of A Field Guide to Gestures.

Video Links:

  • Watch a scene of the 1961 Jerry Lewis movie “The Errand Boy”
    • How is nonverbal communication employed in this scene?
    • What does the errand boy imply about the boss?