Video and Multimedia

Click on the following links. Please note these will open in a new window.

Audio Links:

  • Playing With Perceptions
    • Where do stereotypes come from? Why do some perceptions persist, and is there any truth or value to the assumptions we make? TED speakers examine the consequences of stereotypes.

Video Links:

  • Perception is central to magician’s tricks. Read the story “Magicians Know More than Scientists”  and then watch the video.
    • How does the article explain how magic works?
    • Do you see the illusion in the video?
    • Relate the article and video to what is written about perception in Chapter 3.
  • Al Jazeera English report on China’s proposed ban on dog meat: 
    • Why is Chinese perception of dogs changing?
    • What can you say about communication as a process in Japanese culture?
    • How does the use of silence in Japanese culture, compare to your another culture with which you are familiar?