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Chapter 7


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Love Story

In this brilliantly acted scene, two people who are secretly in love with one another but each afraid to tell the other. They come very close to intimacy but cannot bring themselves to make the right move. Notice how the scene appears to be about what is inside a book, but it is metaphorically about the inside of each other’s character and soul and how they are each unable to open up like a book to the other person. Painful and yet true to life in so many ways, isn’t it?

Groundhog Day

In this scene from Groundhog Day, Bill Murray finds out Andie McDowell’s preferences for men. Later in the film, as Groundhog Day comes round again and again, he uses this information to become like her perfect man. If only life were that simple.

Dan and Sally

As you read Chapter 7, think about the talk between Dan and Sally. What specific issues do you think Dan and Sally need to work on regarding the talk in their relationship? Are they sharing information? How is interpretation working in their talk? How can you apply the construction of meaning model to their talk?

Dr. Greg Cason

This video comprises an interview with psychologist Dr. Greg Cason. who explains the do's and don'ts for breaking up. Seven tips for the one doing the breakup and seven more for the one who is the unfortunate recipient.