Video Links

Chapter 6


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The National Endowment for the Arts and the Poetry Foundation present Poetry Out Loud

Listen at least twice to a given poem to discern the ways listening creates a sensory experience.

Taking Better Lecture Notes

Most students still take some lecture classes on campus. Some students are adept at listening AND taking notes for greater success in understanding and on tests. This video can help everyone to become better listeners and note takers.

Listening and Communication Skills in Healthy Relationships

Poor listening practices in relationships can cause issues such as domestic violence. Watch (but listen visually) this video about healthy and unhealthy relationships and listening. How do you receive messages? Do you really listen to your relational partner? How can you tie together what the messages in the video say with the material on relational listening in your textbook?

Being Attentive

It may sound simple, but listening involves being attentive, as noted in this video. Think about the simple tip that is offered. Why do you think this tip is an important part of effective listening (rather than just hearing)?