Video Links

Chapter 2


Click on the following links to expand and show embedded video.

An Overview of the Historical Process [History/Historiography Series]

An Overview of the Historical Process

What is history? History is an interpretation of the past and integrates knowledge from multiple disciplines. See and hear how history is viewed and the steps involved in writing history.

Hegemony, The Celebrity and America

Hegemony is discussed using and celebrities to critique to point out how America’s fascination with videos and celebrity reinforces the values of the dominant segments of society.

Defining Rhetoric and Rhetorical Criticism

Watching and listening to this video offers an introduction to the area of rhetorical criticism and rhetoric. How the systematic nature and the process of rhetorical criticism work are addressed and modern-day examples are used.

Grounded Theory

This video explores grounded theory, which suggests collecting data and arriving at conclusions rather than seeking data that will support a prior assumption. The appropriate methods for data collection are also included.