Welcome to the SAGE edge site for Qualitative Research, 2e!

Written with graduate students in mind, Qualitative Research focuses on helping the reader cultivate and integrate theoretical, methodological, and conceptual knowledge to provide insight into their interaction in qualitative research. This comprehensive text helps students understand the central concepts, topics, and skills necessary to engage in rigorous, valid, and respectful qualitative research. The authors balance the foundations and processes of qualitative research with clarity and simplicity, while at the same time capture its complexity and the multiple layers that are central to research.  Whether you are new to qualitative research or not, the goal for this book is to develop and deepen your understanding of an approach to research that seeks, designs for, and engages criticality in qualitative research.

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We gratefully acknowledge Sharon M. Ravitch and Nicole Mittenfelner Carl for writing an excellent text and creating the materials on this site.