SAGE Journal Articles

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Article 1

Nutti, Y. J. (2016). Decolonizing indigenous teaching: Renewing actions through a Critical Utopian action research framework. Action Research, 0(0), 1-23. doi:10.1177/1476750316668240

Abstract:  This article describes experiences formed in connection with a case study in Sa´mi schools.  The Sa´mi people live in the northern part of the North Calotte region and among the world’s Indigenous peoples.  The aim of this article is for readers to understand factors that influence teachers’ views and how teachers experience culture-based education in terms of a decolonizing process.  The case study was conducted in a Critical Utopian Action Research framework with future workshops.  Teachers expressed that they felt trapped between demands made by the national curricula and their desire to implement culture-based teaching, but they had many ideas for themes through which culture could be linked to teaching.  Through knowledge exchange between participants in the case study, the teachers ‘rediscovered’ knowledge and reinterpreted that knowledge in a teaching setting.  Teachers’ autonomy was strengthened and their active efforts empowered them.

Questions that apply to this article:

  1. Who is the audience for this action research report?  Explain how you came to your conclusion.
  2. Do you feel these findings are presented in the most appropriate format?  How else might you go about their presentation?

Article 2

Stauffer, S. D., & Mason, E. C. M. (2013). Addressing elementary school teachers’ professional stressors: Practical suggestions for schools and administrators. Educational Administration Quarterly, 49(5), 809-837. doi:10.1177/0013161X13482578

Abstract:  Given the preponderance of education reform since the No Child Left Behind Act (U.S. Department of Education, 2001), reform efforts have shaped the nature of the work and culture in schools.  An emphasis on standardized testing to determine schools’ status and student performance, among other factors, has generated stress, particularly for teachers.  Therefore, district and school administrators are encouraged to consider the contextual factors that contribute to teacher stress to address them and to retain high-performing teachers.  Participants were recruited from two types of schools in order to test hypotheses related to directional responding as a function of working in a more challenging (high-priority) or less challenging (non-high-priority) school environment.  Content analysis was employed to analyze 64 suburban elementary school teachers’ free-responses to a prompt regarding their stress as teachers.  Findings were cross-analyzed through external auditing to bolster trustworthiness in the data and in the procedure.  Teachers reported personal and contextual stressors.  Directional qualities and overlapping relationships were found in the data, partially confirming the hypotheses.  Specific recommendations for practical ways in which school administrators might systemically address teacher stress based on the five categories of stressors reported by participants are presented.

Questions that apply to this article:

  1. Do you feel the authors chose an appropriate avenue for dissemination of their results?  Why or why not?  Explain your response.
  2. Comment on the overall writing and organization of this action research report.  Based on information from your text, what do you feel works well and what improvements might you suggest?