SAGE Journal Articles

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Article 1

Rubin, B. C., El-Haj, T. R. A., Graham, E., & Clay, K. (2016). Confronting the urban civic opportunity gap: Integrating youth participatory action research into teacher education. Journal of Teacher Education, 67(5), 424-436. doi:10.117710022487116667195

Abstract:  This article considers how youth participatory action research (YPAR) can be used to build the civic teaching capacities of preservice teachers working in urban settings. In the final semester of an urban-focused teacher education program, preservice teachers led YPAR programs in the urban schools in which they student-taught the previous semester.  What they learned is analyzed through the process of YPAR.  Specifically, it was found that YPAR supported teacher learning in three areas: cultivating student-centered teaching practices, observing and documenting students’ strengths and capacities, and developing new understandings of the structural inequalities that shaped the lives of the students in urban schools.  Drawing on data collected over 6 years, the authors argue that leading children and young people in participatory action research projects can contribute to the creation of the transformative civic educators so sorely needed in urban settings.

Questions that apply to this article:

  1. Locate the authors’ main research question.  How do they propose to answer their question as explained in their Method section?
  2. Now that you have read their literature review, how do you surmise they came to select this particular research question?

Article 2

Glowacki-Dudka, M., & Griswold, W. (2016). Embodying authentic leadership through popular education at Highland Research and Education Center. Adult Learning, 27(3), 105-112. doi:10.1177/1045159516651610 

Abstract:  In 2013 and 2014, workshops were held at Highlander Research and Education Center that explored the topics of authentic leadership and popular education.  Participants shared their experiences through reflective writing upon completion of the workshops and one year following.  Reflections were developed into a case study.  How the workshops influenced the participants as they recognized personal and professional changes and impacts made from the Highlander experience are described.  Four topics informed the analysis of workshop participants’ experiences: participation training, authentic leadership, popular education, and the position of Highlander as a historic place of learning for social justice.  Themes that emerged from analysis were sorted into clusters that included (a) primacy of place and inspiration; (b) authentic leadership; (c) collaboration and community building through art and storytelling, humor, and trust; (d) self-discovery and transformation; and (e) direct applications and further action.

Questions that apply to this article:

  1. The authors do not explicitly state a primary research question.  Explain one reason you feel this appropriate given the nature of their action research.
  2. Briefly explain how the authors divided the reflections into four sets.  Why do you feel they did this?