Video and Audio Links

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Video Links

Muslim women who cover in America
Nadia and Aliya are Muslim American women who cover themselves in adherence to their faith’s promotion of modesty. Nadia choose to cover her face with the niqab while Aliya chooses to wear the hijab.

An original SAGE Research Methods Online video details ethnography with Sara Delamont, a reader in social sciences at Cardiff University.

An original SAGE Research Methods Online video describes netnography with Robert V. Kozinets, associate professor of marketing at York University.

Ethnography and Participant Observation
A lecture on ethnography and managing the research role by Graham R Gibbs taken from a series on research methods and research design given to masters (graduate) students at the University of Huddersfield. This is part 1 of 2 and examines the nature of ethnography, looks at some classic examples of ethnographic work using participant observation and considers some of the issues of managing the research role when doing participant observation.

Audio Links

Helping research ethics boards to understand the value of bereavement research
Jennifer Buckle talks about the strategies her bereavement research participants have suggested for harm minimization in bereavement research, including the use of indirect recruitment methods, such as advertisements and letters of invitation through third parties, which allow people to decide for themselves whether or not they are ready to participate in research. She stresses that for ethical reasons, consent in research which uses open-ended or discovery interviewing techniques, should be an ongoing process of continual checking and re-evaluation, and explains how process consent should continue after interviews are over, with participants being informed that they can withdraw at any point, and can remove any data they have contributed. Dr. Buckle also gives advice for researchers new to qualitative research who do not have a counselling background, recommending that they develop empathetic listening skills, including skills in reflecting, building rapport and trust, assuming a non-judgmental stance, and attentive listening, and that they hone their ability to contend with powerful emotions.

Voters Group Reflects Hurdles Facing Candidates
Democrats hope Hillary Clinton’s supporters will rally to Barack Obama’s side (based on the 2008 presidential election).